Page name: Uploading Art Rules [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-02-05 04:36:28
Last author: Stephen
Owner: Stephen
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These comprehensive rules explain what kind of artistic content is and is not allowed on Elfpack, and where different content is acceptable and not acceptable.

Content in Member Presentation (House)

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Pornography / Lewd Nudity
Pornography (including graphic sexual stories) and lewd nudity are not permitted to be displayed in any public location, including your house / Guestbook / Public Diary / Private Information Box, etc. Pornography is defined as sexual acts, or something you would see on a porn site. For more information on pornography, please see Wikipedia's definition: Pornography. Lewd Nudity is the display of the naked body in a non-pornographic, but still obviously sexually focused, way. For example, lewd nudity is a close up of a penis, or breasts. Nudity is permitted to be displayed within a member house; please make sure to contact one of the Guards to request a Secret-Service Comment warning others, if you are planning on displaying nudity in your house. Nudity is defined as showing an undressed body, but with no obvious sexual intent behind it.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Extreme Violence
Images (or stories) showing brutal violence are not permitted to be displayed in the house. Extreme violence would for example be the brutal killing of something, or gory images.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Self-Mutilation
Images (or stories) depicting acts of self harm are not allowed on any location within your house. It makes others feel uncomfortable to view / read such things, and placing it in a location where they can see it without warning is not allowed.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Hate / Discrimination
Images or texts displaying hateful messages that are intended to insult or upset other members and not allowed in public. Images or texts that speak against a belief or idea are not considered to be hateful or discriminating.

Discriminating                  Not Discriminating
Anti-Christians                 Anti-Christianity 
Anti-Homosexuals                Anti-Homosexuality
Anti-Suicidal People            Anti-Suicide

Those are some examples of what would be considered discriminating and what would be expressing your opinion on a belief or an idea. Also note that this rule does not apply to expressing dislike of a single non-Elfpack member, such as a celebrity.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Intentionally Annoying Content
We ask that you do not intentionally make your presentation irritating to others' when it is viewed. This includes using huge-sized images, flooding your house with annoying animated images, or making as many newlines as you possibly can to extend your description length.


Content on Public Wiki-Pages

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Pornography / Lewd Nudity
As stated above, pornography (including graphic sexual stories) and lewd nudity are not permitted to be displayed in any public location.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Extreme Violence
Images (or stories) showing brutal violence are allowed on public, non-protected wiki-pages provided that they are not in your photo gallery and proper warning is on the page to inform an innocent member what is on the page.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Self-Mutilation
Images (or stories) depicting acts of self harm are allowed on public, non-protected wiki-pages provided that they are not in your photo gallery and proper warning is on the page to inform an innocent member what is on the page.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Hate / Discrimination
As states above, images or texts displaying hateful messages that are intended to insult or upset other members are not allowed in public.


Content on Private Wiki-Pages

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Pornography / Lewd Nudity
Images (and stories) of a sexually lewd or pornographic nature are permitted on private wiki-pages. (Please do not allow minors access to the page.)

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Hate / Discrimination
Hateful text and imagery are allowed on private pages, provided that the page name does not explain what is on the page. However, this is still discouraged and if you are reported for it, the page will be removed.

For information on how to create a private, view protected wiki-page read: creating a private wiki page.


Special Rules

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Copyrighted Content
Elfpack Staff will not go out of their way to remove possibly copyrighted content. If an artist/creator complains about their creation being stolen, the Guards will remove it once the theft has been proven. Do not claim to have created something you did not. Also, beware the possible legal consequences of art-theft: Elfpack is not responsible for what you place on your pages and it is against the law to use copyrighted material without permission from the owner.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Nudity / Pornography of Minors
The showing of nude or sexually suggestive pictures of members under the age of 18 is not permitted anywhere, including private pages. Note that the Custodians can view and access any wiki-page, so attempting to hide illegal images is not a good idea. Elfpack has a zero tolerance policy for child porn, and you will only be given one warning for posting it. A second offense will result in a ban.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Mood-Content
Animated images, large or annoying images and hateful / discriminating text or imagery are not allowed in a mood and will be removed. Links to porn sites, or other adult-content will also be removed.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> No notification
Guards will remove illegal content without prior notice given. If you wish to dispute the removal of content, please speak to the Guards Captain. Do not flame or harass the Guard who removed the offensive content. If the Captain agrees with the removal, then do not press the matter.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Official Images
Any and all official graphics (ie: Giffie-Pets, Trophies, Badges, Wiki-Graphics, etc) and templates can only be used with approval from the Council. Using any official image (even a divider) without approval will be considered art-theft.
Additionally, you are not allowed to edit official images in any recognizable way and use them for personal purposes.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Other
Content that goes against the general style of Elfpack, or content from other communities may be taken off at the discretion of the Guards.

Donations made to Elfpack by a member of Elfpack, will be considered to be given to Elfpack. While we will of course give you credit for your donation, once you've made a donation (wiki-pages, graphics, text, money, etc) you cannot undonate your donation. It becomes property of the site, and site staff.


Rule Violations

If you find another member violating a rule, you can file a report on the member and a Guard will look into it. Do not leave a comment on the Guards-page.

Elfpack Staff tend to be pretty lenient on rule-violations and will generally give a member multiple chances to stop misbehaving before placing a ban. However, obviously going intentionally out of your way to break these rules will label you an asshole and you will be banned much sooner. We're willing to work with you, if you're willing to work with us.

If you're confused on these rules, contact one of the Guards and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.



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<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> The Council
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> The Hell of the Insane
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> The Wiki-Index
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> The Help-Index

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_gold_blob.png> Elfpack Rules

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